Thursday, June 19, 2014


Today was hotter than hot!  I took a long morning walk and explored some stores and a market before my first class this morning.  Classes were great.  I had the daughter of my host family, Jane, and their friend, Tom in class.  It went really well with them.  I taught them opposites and how to properly pronounce nouns.  As soon as I walked in the door at 5:30 they wanted to start practicing.  During the afternoon, before my last class, I was asked to join a basketball game.  Two other teacher, 7 kids, and I played a great game.  Of course, I was the first one to sweat, groan, and call for a sub!  I saw some clouds and started praying for rain to call off the game, but it didn't work out.  It was really fun and they have some good skills here.  They work on it a lot in gym class because of the NBA and all the stars they see on their limited internet.  I tried to take pictures of dismissal at the school.  I have watched it  before, but today, with a heavy rain, was complete and total bedlam.  1800 kids dismissed to a street full of geriatric umbrella wielding people (grandparents, I suppose) who fight and scream to get their kid first to avoid the crowd.  That makes me laugh.  Then, there are people on mopeds with ponchos who pick up two or three kids and all their stuff to drive in between the cars After school I came home to a house FULL of people.  They had promised to teach me to make dumplings.  About 8 of her classmates, Jane, and three or four of her mom's friends gathered around a huge table and LOUDLY made a couple hundred dumplings.  It was a great learning experience and a lot of fun with the family.  They cooked them in three different ways and we ate and drank until we were all stuffed.  Then, they called my bluff and told me my night to cook Western (Indiana ) food was Tuesday and they had invited about 20 people.  Should be fun....if I can ever translate a list of ingredients.  We took a long, long walk with all the kids along the river after dinner.  Should be a great night's sleep.  This is the most exercise in one day that I have had since arriving.  Tomorrow I leave for abetting with some Chinese leaders who are involved with this program.  Hope to make a good impression so they will allow the exchange to continue!  The weekend is jam packed full of activities, travel, and dinners.  Looking forward to it!

1 comment:

  1. Indian cuisine on Tuesday with +20 invited! WOW - you are energetic!! If all else fails - you could take them to that restaurant where you went by yourself and ordered by pointing at pictures and ended up with enough food to feed everyone that was there that evening!! :-) Just don't think about fixing hotdogs (I know it's the all American food - but perhaps not the same thing there!) Please, let us know what you fix & how that dinner party turns out.



Landis Elementary School, Logansport, Indiana